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This work was created during an artist in Residence program at the Royal South Australian Society of the Arts during the second half of 2022. During this time, I sought to understand how the Institute building, the Society and its artists came together into the contemporary moment of 2022. Using the artwork, “The Garden of Eden” by the South Australian artist, Barbara Hanrahan, as a starting point, I decided to explore the idea of the Institute building and the Society as being a sanctuary for artists, a garden of Eden in which innocence is lost as wisdom is gained. [1] The Institute building and the RSASA have been a part of the arts scene since the colonial settlements and the architecture itself can be seen as a symbol of the colonial need to transpose imperialist values onto the colonies. The building is heavy and imposing and along with the other early colonial buildings that line North Terrace, it sits in a trajectory of imperialist culture- that of judicial control and the upholding of imperial values through the arts. [2] However, just as the row of colonial era buildings that line North Terrace can be read as a signifier of colonial desire, the Institute building itself can be seen as a site of possibilities, where its inhabitants over time are able to push against the forces of imperialism so brutally reproduced in architecture and ornament, and in doing so, potentially create new repositories of meanings.

If history could be experienced phenomenologically, instead of through the lens of the archive, what would that look like, and could the layers of the historical space be pried open to explore what is resting there? Just as there is a ghost in the machine- ephemera that activates the deadened space of mechanics, there must also be a ghost of the archive, the misty or mystical inhabitants that haunt the archives. The work I have created during my residency and presented as part of the joint exhibition, “Mnemonic Disturbance”, is a presentation of the ghosts of the archive. While tradition seeks to hold onto the old, we need the disruptions of ghosts and of those who will not be silenced, who talk from the pages of history and remain despite the institutional silencing of the new. The Institute and RSASA sit in an uncomfortable junction of old and new. As the theorist, Frank den Oudsten points out, “exhibitions are a medium of memory”. [3] This exhibition hopes to sit amongst a set of new mnemonics, where the old is disrupted to make way for alternative voices.

Emiko Artemis 2023

This residency and exhibition have been supported by the Carbins Trust, The University of South Australia and the RSASA










A note on text:

Throughout the works in the exhibition there are embedded elements of text. During my residency I was able to read the archived meeting notes and documents of the Royal South Australian Society of the Arts (RSASA). Working with the collection of materials archived from the period of 1956- 1872, I took excerpts from sentences and paragraphs and recombined them into a new text, gathered under the title, “History speaks the select wisdom of ages”. Each quote was combined with another within the same page and in chronological order, creating a new archive of words that seem to say something but are in essence an inaccurate and nonsensical representation of an historical period. History is spoken by a select number of archived voices yet are they really a representation of what occurred? “History speaks the select wisdom of ages” is the deliberate mangling of the voices that had the opportunity to remain through the ages. Taken only slightly out of context, it shows the tenuous and fragile nature of the reliability of archives in representing the past. [4]



















History speaks the select wisdom of ages



Swollen stream



Precipice chocked


Stony, inaccessible

Demands postponed. Not abandoned

The claims of taste and genius

Starved among us, toiled in obscurity, toiled in despair

Taste of a higher order

Our wealth, our desires


Cultivate diffuse opportunities

Furnished existence

Embryo of fine arts, its limited application

Master, pupils, requisite copies.

Monetary contributions and pupils, the property of the master.

Nucleus of works of art.

Humble, continued private study.

Pronounce decisively on character from its foundation.


Embryo existence, enlarge the sphere, of the infant institution’s operations.

Pictorial ornamental useful can procure.

Rules and regulations for carrying objects.

Discourses on art, subject to approval.

High pretensions, cultivated to a point.

Selected exposition secure popular support.


The name of the master has ceased to be distinguishable under the smokey accumulations of age.

Members and ladies introduced by about 100 persons.

On both occasions, universal sentiment is one of surprise.

There exists a powerful and vigorously supported society of objects numerous.

Limited boundaries notice at present the mechanical and useful.


Ordinarily classed suitable objects to which our attention is called desire imitation, so prominent in human nature.

Centuries of barbarism and neglect, crowned by a halo of glory and never yet ascended.

A specimen possessed was executed. On examination was proved to be a species, preserved indefinitely.

Discovered while at work it spread rapidly with varied merit and success.


A perfection of the human figure, the extremities which none of the brilliant centuries have equalled. Her earliest not far behind.

The delicacy of torpor, given to assemblage, was held out.

Sinews of u taught genius receive a helping hand.

Looking on the variety of a few suffering examples, the eye requires the mind.


The languished, revived, industrial improvements and a hundred other discoveries of vast importance, unceasing activity and love.

Truly said, many able advocates, without the amenities of civilization, is of little worth.

Neglect in the early days was doubtless unavoidable. The moral results can scarcely be doubtful.

The grosser pursuits of life cannot but purify and refine.


A radical reformation of baser habits and the ingenious banishes lower gratifications. Assaults of grovelling selfishness is a step in uneducated progress of civilizing influences.

Anxieties, always fresh, exhilarating yet soothing, directed into the channel of simple contemplation.

The noblest works forming a never satiating economy. A perpetual rising in the adjudged prosecution of art.

Highly creditable, this youthful and vigorous committee requested those gentlemen.

A masterly production, the atmosphere indicated with truthfulness, mementos of exciting times.

Do beautiful views have any claim to the title? Superior in merit as in number.

Alluding to the opportunity of desirability, the public might make the venture of reciprocal advantages among them.

Prizes distributed as the return for the present year enable the nucleus to determining dissimilar methods scarcely fair to the whole. Several in the boys list are promising, in the girl’s class they are sorry.

This beautiful specimen, of peculiar interest to future numerous productions has been won.

Read the regulations, deposited in a vase simultaneously with the graced expression of the lucky.

[1] Hanrahan, Barbara. "Garden of Eden." 1977. etching, printed in colour with plate-tone.



[2] Members of the Unbound Collective: Ali Gumillya Baker, Faye Rosas Blanch and Simone Ulalka and community member Jermaine Hampton. "Decolonising Methodologies in Creative Practice " 2019.


[3] Oudsten, Frank Den. Space.Time.Narrative the Exhibition as Post-Spectacular Stage. USA: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2011.


[4] Dutkiewicz, Adam. Historical Documents of the Royal South Australian Society of Arts 1856–1872. South Australia: The Royal South Australian Society of Art, 2022.




The donor remarked his gratification at success was enhanced by these gentlemen. Biased by undue influence, it had their favorable verdict.

He had contemplated mechanical drawing, so excellent a production and proud of success. A higher class of life would be found of better men, represented by members present. Unanimously, the proceedings terminated.

Persons who have availed themselves have now enrolled. The treasures have amounted to a gratifying increase.

The unmingled public will simulate greater exertions to more open-handed operation.

Ensure the vulgar. Please the mob.


Friends were admitted and attracted a large and fashionable catalogue. The absence we felt worthy of distinguished mention. We could pounce upon the gentleman in every possible direction.

As remarked, it is characterized in some respects by extremely well-managed stillness. Although equally truthful, too great a sameness. Deserving of the subject, it would not be wanting in that essential particular.

Gratitude and respect, equally admired, are also worthy of notice.

The observer may, after time, awaken sensation of cold, home and an agreeable character, very superior and doubly welcome. The physique is fine and very large.


The most interesting, wandering subject is the hard featured Judas. We should be sorry, to the remotest degree that we cannot conclude the requirements of the night.

Fortunate in their handling of the wreck, discharging successfully the inherent and substantial merit. Talents were cultivated until excellence. Honorable mention attached to no opportunity, making special allusion.

Light penetrates the curious observer, emblazoned, we understand, for the last time.


The evils had arisen from blunders without reference to justice. Numerous in some instances laid down formalities they had neglected, errors of act, treatment already made. We are at a loss to know the source of this discontent. In consequence, the arrangement in some instances of difficulties, satisfied.


Greatly aided by the readiness of the gentlemen, all discontent and suspicion are regulated. We are glad we have been informed of sufficient facts adequate to the recollection of profound sensations worthy of their genius. Erection of operations will be facilitated to commence the training of a meteor, steadily burning the evening.

The chair glanced at great masters and their origin which bore evident marks warmly applauded.


Gentlemen were informed that their names were selected, several repeated protests against the arrangement. Equal consideration was in order. Admission had been improperly admitted. Unless they agreed, their power could be elected only in October. Returning his regret they had made so bad a choice, he would vindicate their judgement with the intention it would be considered.

















Essential objects had been carried out to detract from merit.

Emphatic labors have met repeatedly arrangements for desirable possession.

The difficulty of obtaining sufficient connection reasons for delay.


Notwithstanding the difficulties of the room at their disposal, great injustice was done.

Misconception was alleged and deemed available for immediate meetings. The required privilege referred to your committee. Copies under proper regulation the only remaining portion of operations. Gentleman have felt themselves. This opportunity to pass sincere desire to cultivate taste, for the purpose of encouraging the best.

Bestowment of that gentleman would not divide the meeting. Therefore, it never happened.













Act with complaint, required to make bricks without straw, no opening now, the long-expected injury had been cleverly repaired.

An announcement- it appears that the mother country is refreshing and humble. It is probable that when passed away, the lovers of the mother country at centers of manufacture will be rendered obsolete.


The productions of meretricious design was owing to a deficiency of general support. 

The establishment of important objects was necessary for execution. The privilege enjoyed by the establishment of classes wisely feeling their way, but a humble commencement of aims.


A desire to promote works deemed worthy was extremely meagre. A deficiency of talent. A beautiful specimen a great attraction owing to the promised loss of success and high eulogiums on perfection. 

Readings were listened to with attention and applauded on close, exclusive of ladies.

Objects will remain open during the adjourned evening.


Good tuition will improve an excellent idea. A few lessons would improve the effect. We are delighted.

The face is excellent, the breast, very pleasing. Persons desirous of improvement should assist in severe criticism. More harm will remedy a poor affair. Expressions of contempt are now obtainable.

A flourishing state no easy matter to establish.



















It was found a marked improvement on the evening. His excellency distributing on this occasion benign influence. Great satisfaction shall be expended., it was resolved.


His Lordship called attention to the strong sense of beauty. Love, veneration was traced to the possession of graven images. Undoubtably the nursery of false gods. They possess calm dignity, rigid, rendered open to anatomical truth. The correction of errors were beautiful but unintellectual.

The severe dignity of triumphs were characteristics of pathos and passion.


Birth, owing to a purer civilization. Heathen deities exhibited beautiful outline but rapidly acquired women for virtue and sufferings.


The modest grace apparent in the strikingly unintellectual character of ancient feminine beauty retarded progress, a fact to be regretted and condemned.

Times supplied heroes worthy of perpetuation with the greatest pleasure.

Interesting criticisms had the advantage of exciting thought.

The ideal female character did not agree with the representations of female beauty. Much grossness embodied ideas precious to men. His lordship stated the great pleasure he had and heartily expre4ssed great gratification with applause.


Thanking those gentleman’s for their exertions, trust that they will preserve efforts in order to remedy time. Occupying two young ladies dispended favors of fortune.


Gratuitous exhibitions.


















We desire that the intention of our merit to speak with unkind opinion shall lead to more hearty devotion without which all is valueless.

Such a self-evident truth required no urging.


The consequence is their ideas shall be taken, they are comparatively failures.  The man has studied each member of the body and he can faithfully give a vague idea of the body. Nature develops her works and profound study is fixed in his brain. An instance of truth of wonderful knowledge. Those with less appreciate this.



















A vindication of unjust criticism we heartily wish to arise all that is noble and refined.

We fear a deeper study and reflection while the tide is receding the worst part a greatly increased freedom and vigor.

The fidelity found in nature is quite a gem.


Somewhat constrained, blowing white smoke in volumes, gently immersed, she has drifted. Our lady with blue on her shoulders appears to have borrowed her hair to tige her face for the occasion.

A Pair so similar they are pleasant.

Delicious foliage with clear waters quench the thirst.

Youthful with the usual emblems, a sweet little thing.


These masters delighted in a copy of a portrait of a lady. She stands near a trellis, in respect to no person, crude.

The following abridgement- the committee again congratulate the success, very gratifying to the present time. All classes of society have shown the admiration of beauty.


A discussion followed, though established for encouragement to create a prejudice asserting great principles.

Two noble battles, different in subject, cold and grey.


Two portions being well managed, seen from opposite sides, a pair of copies.

Not much to be done, their business was the success he believed they had. Two ladies were appointed to draw the prize.


Volunteers were represented as most trying and disagreeable, frequently seen on hearth rugs, exhausting personal appearance. Dress coats were held up to ridicule and condemned. Any idea of beauty had to be modified. The odious and absurd designs concluded the subject.


Nature has denied them.

He who may truly be called the father stood by himself, a human soul approaching enthusiasm.


A handsome wig glanced. The dawn of the present greater than any of them, though spellbound by the power manifested.


A very interesting conclusion, diversified by a lady performer and a well-informed man.

Attendance good, spent looking at the walls of the room. History had failed singular people.


The extreme beauty of the mounds accessible underground flourished in the world. Names occurred, a number which consisted of extraordinary beauty and formed the floor of the temple.


A vote of thanks, seconded and returned. The subject proposed by those ancient peoples, before and after.  It was his intention to propose several names.

Those that intended proposing were not proposed.

In order to test the feeling he would be allowed sufficient guarantee.

The plan, if carried, would have a beneficial effect.

The gentleman having business which required his attention said the next business was the exception.

Presided in absence, his excellency could bear testimony to considerable progress. A marked improvement in character. He desired to say their funds had been expended.


Deserving of growth was a large list which must not be overlooked. A work of time, always essential, congregated at large. The sublime specimens must commence formerly. A stimulus to progress with a short report and flourishing condition. The exact cause was attributable to pecuniary difficulties. He would not occupy time further.

All unite in regretting his honor, the number showing the desire and means to encourage. Also gratifying, the number had been considerably increased. Far more the persons engaged upon time. Before he left he would submit. The proposition was carried with acclamation.


His royal highness had taken patronage while he continued no election, His excellency frequently attended, unable to attain the warm interest.

His excellency took much pleasure in his reelection at the request of the gentleman. The two ladies thought the suggestion a good one.

Several gentleman would not lend them because they could not get justice, the chairman briefly retuned thanks, very extravagant. Arrangements ensuing in stimulating zeal.


The advantage offered to the public appreciated.

A source of regret cannot be provided for. Additional support and assistance rendered. A larger, more varied and gratifying number including his excellency, nearest the entrance, Taken by a lady and deservedly attracted with little consideration.

Miss beautiful awarded by ladies, a pony in its stall. The last-named lady offered descriptions and unavoidable peculiarities.

Feel, express, great satisfaction. The public have been awarded marvelous imitation.

Rule no 2 executed can hope to please.

His excellency had great pleasure, was extracted and proceedings closed.

High excellence leave nothing to be desired, however ill adapted for the purpose.

A defect in order has been attempted. No ingenuity could bring together all the classes. A righteous decision. The testing of impressions have been useful. Outsiders know nothing, A lady who has taken a painstaking little flattering picture of a lunatic. The various styles of ladies all reach results.





















Strongly the subjects are defaced, not as they should be, I regret.


The stocking of wastelands, which is beautiful, proposes true genius without material reward. Average ability worthless trash, unquestionably have taken a hundred paces.


Some young ladies as a whole were a failure, deficient in quality. Talent possesses qualities at the bust with the exception of the mouth, we must visit again.


The rising generation has received such neglect. The committee have thrown away the crutch from the beginning. A memorial lamented.


A delicious replica in similar proportions are copies, specimens. Reunions would embarrass a noble, needlessly offensive.


















Many scintillation of rising genius possessed love. No ducks swim in his pond.

A perfect little gem.


Marred by the effect,

 A replica of nature.


The average Man strives. It conflicts with his normality neurosis.

Frequent sly cracks pointing to future living conditions.






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